The “withdrawal” symptoms experienced when a heavy cannabis user has to lay off the stuff —for whatever reason— are equivalent to the dull pangs now being felt by the Giants fan —or Yankees fan, or Phillies fan— who has developed a “dependency” on having a pennant race to induce escape from grim reality. The feelings of emptiness, boredom, and even irritability produced by the absence of a strong rooting interest are somehow similar in nature and intensity to the typical marijuana withdrawal. M.G. is a Giants fan who says he is now appreciating each game for its “quality of baseball.” This is equivalent to the pot person having to go without who claims he’s enjoying a “natural high” or is now “high on life.” Very few of us can get high on this life. The imminent start of the football season will provide relief for many, but daily users will have to watch college games that will be equivalent to smoking schwag from NIDA. The play-offs and World Series will fix everyone, and then the return of the NBA will bring the fan’s equivalent of a jar full of kief. For everything there is a season, but basketball can’t come soon enough.
Note to a Giants Fan re: Marijuana Dependence