Author: Fred Gardner

London Calling

On Mar 10, 2014, at 11:47 AM, Niklas Gebauer wrote: Dear Mr. Gardner, I am a student of Hult...

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Viva Ringo!

From Pebbles Trippet, March 5, 2014   Lawrence Ringo of the Southern Humboldt Seed Collective,...

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Realm of Caring Comes to California

By Fred Gardner   There is a point at which a story achieves critical mass —it goes from being a matter of interest to a fraction of the public to one that everyone’s talking about, inescapable in the media. That point in...

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Doblin Fears GW Profiteering

From Rick Doblin of MAPS (The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies), February 28, 2014: Orphan Drug Designation means that GW will charge astronomical prices for Epidiolex.  ...

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