Canna-Centers will host a lecture on “the intersection between human genetics and cannabis” by Len May, co-founder and CEO of Endocanna Health, Saturday July 28. Bonni Goldstein, MD, writes:
Access to legal cannabis is expanding rapidly and you may have thought about the best way to add it to your life. Len May, founder of EndoCanna Health, a research and development bio-technology company specializing in Direct-to-Consumer genetic testing, will share information about how human DNA and the endocannabinoid system interact with cannabis. This educational seminar will discuss the scientific breakthroughs that have been discovered using human genetics to find compatibility between individuals and the cannabis plant.
Event Attendees will get insights on:
Determining cannabis products based on human genetics
The latest breakthroughs in cannabis and genetics research
The science of genetics and cannabisTo register click here. Choose “Classroom” to attend in person in the Canna-Centers Southern California classroom or “Live Webinar” to watch remotely
Len May, MCS is the CEO of EndoCanna Health, an innovative biotech company specializing in a Direct-to-Consumer DNA test focusing on human and Cannabis genetic alignment. Len May is a pioneer in the medical cannabis industry, with over 25 years of experience. May has a Masters of Medical Cannabis and Endocannabinoid Formulation Specialist Certification from the Institute for the Advancement of Integrative Medicine, is a Founders Lifetime Board Member of the California Cannabis Association and is an accomplished public speaker.
Canna-Centers Wellness & Education focuses on helping patients with serious and chronic illnesses find healing with cannabis medicine. We also have a classroom where educational seminars and webinars are given to anyone interested in learning more about cannabis as medicine. Visit for more information and to sign up for our classes.