- ICRS 2005: Smoking Cannabis Does Not Cause Cancer of Lung or Upper Airways, Tashkin Finds
- Cannabis Alleviates Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease by Jeffrey Hergenrather, MD
- Patients Report Reduced Use of Pharmaceuticals by Jeffrey Hergenrather, MD
- A note on Cannabis for PTSD by Tod Mikuriya, MD
- Cannabis Use in Adolescence: Self-Medication for Anxiety by Tom O’Connell, MD
- Marijuana and Impairment by Richard Bayer, MD
- Vioxx Deaths = 55,000 (Why Do They Hate You?) by Fred Gardner
- A Pro-Cannabis Doctor ‘Comes Out’ (Carol Wolman, MD)
- Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis by Tod Mikuriya
- JAMA Acknowledges the Endocannabinoid System
- Listening to Marinol: Rational Guidelines for Dosing by Gregory T. Carter, MD et al
- Implications of Early Initiation by Tom O’Connell, MD
- U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Raich and Monson; Justice Stevens Apologizes
- Confidentiality Concerns may Keep Patients From Getting State Cards —Denney
- NIDA Blocks Vaporization Study; Researchers Appeal to DEA
- The Sweet Internationalism of Rick Steves
- A Real Farmer Looks at “Medical Marijuana”
- Feds Take Over Prosecution of Merced Organizer Dustin Costa
- The “Professional Bust” of Fred Demchuk
- Local Responses to Dispensaries Vary From Bans to Regulation by Dale Gieringer
- Don’t Lie to Your Doctor by Frank Lucido, MD
- Painful Lessons to be Learned From DEA War on Opioid Prescribers by Joe Talley, MD
- Scripture and Strategy —Talley
- Costs of Prohibition Calculated
- Ricky Williams Does ’60 Minutes’