Public relations publicity
Passed away died
Human resources personnel
fulfillment center warehouse
administrative assistant secretary
social anxiety shyness
replacement workers scabs
sponsored content advertisement
Advocate for advocate
clinical depression melancholy or loneliness or insecurity
Investment broker, venture capitalist, hedge-fund manager financier
chief meteorologist (Bill Martin on Channel 2; Channel 4 has a senior meteorologist) weatherman
Food insecurity hunger
Environmental technician
janitor or custodian or engineer
Free trade trade
Reached out called or contacted; more informatively, emailed or phoned.
Bruce Anderson nailed “strategic plan” in the AVA. Either strategy or plan will do.
Mission Statement is a pretentious twofer replacing Purpose or Goals. Plus the word mission has religious overtones. Missionary evokes Spanish slavers in frocks and Bible-carrying Evangelicals making Central and South America safe for United Fruit and Chevron. Missionary, mercenary —two wings on the bird of prey.
Holistic Medicine medicine
Four words for two:
public service power shutoff (PSPS) power shutoff (or just shutoff, since the context makes it obvious)
Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome Shell shock